Understanding Insurance Terminology

5 Primary Factors That Affect Your Homeowner’s Insurance Premium

If you have to purchase homeowner's insurance for the first time, you need to understand how your insurance rate is calculated. This will help you better understand what aspects of your home are driving up your premium, and which aspect of your home are leveling it out. Here are the five primary factors that insurance companies use when figuring out what to charge you for homeowner's insurance. #1 Your Location Read More 

Increasing Your Home’s Chances Of Resisting A Disaster

If you are a homeowner, chances are you have property insurance to pay for any incurred damage your home or land may sustain. While having insurance will cover damage costs, most people would rather not have to go through the steps in making repairs and waiting for insurance checks to pay for them. Taking time to safeguard your home from some of the main disasters that could happen can alleviate these steps as well as reduce your insurance premiums. Read More 

4 Ways To Save Money On Car Insurance As A Rideshare Driver

Ridesharing has grown in popularity over the last few years for several reasons, but especially because it is so easy and affordable to use. Becoming a rideshare driver is an excellent way to make extra money, and for some, it can become their full-time income with enough dedication. If you want to maximize your earnings, you should learn how to save money on your expenses as a rideshare driver. Since being a rideshare driver requires you to have additional insurance, aside from your personal coverage, saving money on insurance can have a large impact on your operating costs. Read More 

Does Diabetes Qualify You For Disability Insurance?

Diabetes is a disabling disease with several types involved including Type I and Type II. It is possible to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) if you have specific criteria for the illness. It involves your capability to work and how much income you are receiving. Here are some important guidelines used to base those decisions. The Five-Step Process   Income Limited Work Activity (Severe) Impairments Past Work Experience Medical-Vocational Rules The Social Security Administration (SSA) describes gainful activity as earning $1,040 monthly or $1,740 if the client is blind. Read More 

Neighbor’s Excavation Caused Cracks In Your Foundation? Here’s What To Do

If your neighbor excavated his or her property and you started noticing cracks in your foundation, there are a few important things you need to do.  Hire a Structural Engineer & a Concrete Contractor  The most important thing to do is to hire a structural engineer as soon as possible to inspect your home's foundation to determine if it is still has structural integrity. If it doesn't, you may need to repair your foundation by shoring up the foundation with pilings, which are concrete footings that get installed directly underneath the foundation. Read More