Does Diabetes Qualify You For Disability Insurance?

Diabetes is a disabling disease with several types involved including Type I and Type II. It is possible to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) if you have specific criteria for the illness. It involves your capability to work and how much income you are receiving. Here are some important guidelines used to base those decisions.

The Five-Step Process  

  • Income
  • Limited Work Activity (Severe)
  • Impairments
  • Past Work Experience
  • Medical-Vocational Rules

The Social Security Administration (SSA) describes gainful activity as earning $1,040 monthly or $1,740 if the client is blind. Disqualification occurs if income is over these amounts.

The person must have severe issues to limit work activities including vision, hearing, or speaking. If the client cannot respond to supervision or changes in routines, the client's case is deemed as impaired which would qualify.

Benefits are denied if the applicant can perform work duties from jobs in past experiences. Reviews are also made including education, age, and mental/physical conditions. The age factor will use medical and vocational rules for determining the benefits classification.

Diabetes, whether it is Type I or Type II, is not a qualification alone, but other factors may allow the perspective individual the SSDI. Some of these ailments include acidosis, neuropathy, and diabetic retinopathy.


Acidosis carries complications including a deficiency of insulin, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances. The patient's body cannot use the glucose/sugar for its fuel source because of the lack of insulin produced. Therefore, the fuel used is fat. When this occurs, rapid/deep breathing and the individual's alertness is decreased.


Neuropathy creates a burning or stabbing pain that includes a tingling sensation. This is caused by diabetes and can be extremely painful. It is caused by sugar remaining in the blood for long periods of time.


Retinopathy can cause blindness or poor vision. As time passes, the condition will worsen making the eyes weaker, causing blurry vision. In most cases, the problem is not diagnosed until it is too late.

Examples of Those Who Qualify

For clients below 50 years of age, and unable to perform sedentary work, disability would be granted. For patients over 50 years old, having diabetes and has limitations to sedentary work, as well as no skills in the work field, disability would be granted.

These are the main reasons diabetes will be qualified for disability insurance. As you see, the decision takes many factors into consideration. It is hopeful that in the future the disease will be cured, but that will take more time than some patients have for the imminent success. Contact companies like Continental Insurance Agency, LLC for more information.
