Important Facts Every Driver Needs To Know About SR22 Insurance

Drivers who have been deemed as high-risk may have to get SR22 insurance to legally drive. Individuals who find out they have to have it need to understand what type of insurance it is. They also need to understand the potential ramifications of not getting it. The following points are a brief overview of this insurance product.

What is SR22 insurance?

This is a type of insurance product that some drivers are court-ordered to have. Others may be legally required to have based on state laws. It is important to note that it is not a standalone insurance product. It must be accompanied by a traditional auto insurance product even if a driver does not own a vehicle. This can be confusing, which is why individuals who have to get an SR22 should use an auto insurance agent as a resource. Failing to get the liability when legally required can lead to sanctions and other serious consequences such as jail time.

When is an SR22 needed?

This type of add-on policy is needed when drivers have been deemed as high-risk. There are a number of violations that can lead to an SR22 being needed. Drivers who get caught driving without insurance may have to get this type of policy. Individuals who are insured or uninsured and cause a wreck that involves bodily injury or property damage may also be required to get it. Drivers who repeatedly drive without a license or with a license that is in revoked or suspended status may also need to get an SR22 policy

What if an individual does not have a vehicle?

Some individuals expect to get a "pass" if they do not own a vehicle. This is based on the assumption that if there is not a vehicle to insure, there is no way to get auto insurance. However, they are still legally required to have liability insurance. In this scenario, the driver would need to purchase a non-owner policy and the SR22. This protects them if they drive someone else's vehicle or a rental car. 

What is the expected cost for an SR22?

As with any other auto insurance product, the cost of the SR22 will vary depending on the insurance provider it is purchased from. SR22s are usually not the most expensive part of a policy for a high-risk driver. The main policy is likely to be the bulk of the cost. Individuals should not let their coverage lapse. Non-payment will get reported to the DMV and could result in serious consequences for the driver. 
